Tuesday, 1 March 2016

GK Quiz-2

1.    In which state the Sattanathan Commission recommended to introduce the creamy layer?
[B]Tamil Nadu
[D]Andhra Pradesh
Answer Tamil Nadu

2.    Which of the following are Financial Committee of Parliament in India?
I. Public Accounts Committee
II. Union Ministry of Finance
III. Committee of Public Undertakings
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
A) I and II.
B) I, II and III
C) II and III.
D) I and III.
Answer: I and II

3.    Consider the following statements:
1. 9th schedule provides the constitutional immunity to a particular law
2. The law under 9th schedule is beyond judicial review
Which among the above statements is/are correct?
[A]1 only
[B]2 only
[C]1 & 2 both
Answer 1 only

4.    Under Constitutional Article 243U, what is the maximum duration of Municipalities?
A) 5 years
B) 6 years
C) 7 years
D) 8 years
Answer: 5 years

5.    Which among the following court has maximum number of sanctioned Judges in India?
[A]Allahabad High Court
[B]Delhi High Court
[C]Calcutta High Court
[D]Bombay High Court
Answer Allahabad High Court

6.    When was the President's Succession Act enacted?
A) 1959
B) 1962
C) 1955
D) 1964
Answer: 1955

7.    Dr. BR Ambedkar was elected to The constituent assembly from which among the following?
[A]United provinces
[B]West Bengal
[C]The Bombay Presidency
Answer West Bengal

8.    Who has the constitutional power not to approve `President Rule' in the state under Article 356?
A) President
B) Parliament
C) Lok Sabha
D) Rajya Sabha
Answer: Parliament

9.    In which language, Constitution of India was signed by the members of the Constitutent Assembly on 21st January 1950?
A) English
B) Hindi
C) Both A and B
D) None of the above
Answer: Both A and B

10.    In which year High Court of Judicature for the North-Western Provinces at Agra was established?
Answer 1866

11.    In the National Flag, which color is used in the wheel?
A) Red Green
B) White
C) Navy Blue
D) Blue
Answer: Navy Blue

12.    Consider the following:
1. Sudder Diwani Adalats
2. Sudder Foujdari Adalats
3. Supreme Court
From which of the above, the High Courts had derived the appellate jurisdiction?
[A]1 only
[B]1 & 2 only
[C]2 only
[D]3 only
Answer 1 & 2 only From Supreme Court they derived Original jurisdiction

13.    The modern State is described as?
A) a laissez faire state
B) autocratic state
C) a welfare state
D) a police state
Answer: a welfare state

14.    Who has the authority to proclaim emergency in the States?
A) The President
B) The Prime Minister
C) The Chief Minister
D) The Governor
Answer: The President

15.    Consider the following statements in context with Indian High Courts Act 1861:
1. All Judges were the be in the office on the pleasure of the Governor General
2. All judges were to be qualified barristers before their appointment as a judge
Which among the above statements is / are correct?
[A]1 only
[B]2 only
Answer: none All Judges were the be in the office on the pleasure of the crown and NOT Governor General . Out of maximum 15, one third were to be barristers and one third from Covenanted Civil Service

16.    Which Constitutional Article defines the Panchayat Raj ?
A) 243
B) 243A
C) 357
D) 360
Answer: 243

17.    On which date a separate constituent assembly was set up for Pakistan?
[A]June 3, 1947
[B]June 8, 1947
[C]June 13, 1947
[D]June 20, 1947
Answer 3-Jun-47

18.    Who among the following works as the Chairman of a Zonal Council in India?
[A]Prime Minister
[B]Home Minister
[C]Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission
[D]Chief Ministers of State by Rotation
Answer Home Minister

19.    Who was the last British Governor General who addressed the Constituent Assembly ?
A) Lord Bentinck
B) Lord Mountbatten
C) Lord Clive
D) Lord Dalhousie
Answer: Lord Mountbatten

20.    Which among the following Committees of the Constituent Assembly was not headed by Dr. Rajendra Prasad?
[A]Finance and Staff Committee
[B]Steering Committee
[C]Committee on the Rules of Procedure
[D]House committee
Answer House committee

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